psp 3000 hack 6.20 finally

6.20 TN-D Perma Patch Released - The Dashhacks Network.
PSP 3000 finally hacked, now what? - Hacks Forums.
Mar 28, 2010. Works on PSP Go and all PSP's running 6.20 firmware. Big day. PSP Downloads. Hack your PSP! Well its out, what you have all been finally waiting for! You'll. Yes it works on PSP-3000 too, all PSP models! Download it.
Is there any way to downgrade the firmware 6.20 down to 5.03 yet? the Team Ronax finally finished with 6.20 R1 one but a different one (i'm.
Mar 9, 2011. Could I downgrade to 6.20 with 6.35PRO-B2 to install this on a 3001, or am I. Wow this is it maybe I will finally decide to move from 5.03 MHU or maybe I. http :// And can i brick ur PSP 3000?
as we all heard the dongrader released yesterday works for all PSP. PSP 3000 is now hacked lol so i read and did as its told. got the OFW 6.20.
psp 3000 hack 6.20 finally
psp 3000 hack 6.20 finally
Download 6.20 TN-A (HEN) - PSP Hacks.
Custom Firmware 6.20/6.35/6.39 PRO-B6 *Updated* - PSP Hacks.
PSP Custom Firmware 6.20/6.35 PRO-B4 Released.
PSP Custom Firmware 6.20 PRO-b4 & 6.35 PRO-B4. - PSP Hacks.
May 29, 2011. HELP pls.. have a psp 3000 ofw 6.20 then installed TN a hen.and. nice nice nice hack ever for all models finally the coldbird and team did it its.
Before installing TN's Hen, you need to downgrade your 6.3x psp to 6.20. To do . If you have a PSP 1000/2000/3000, you can find this firmware here (or .. i can finally get 6.20 then get HEN the get CFW!!! and downgrade even farther to get.

Psp 3000 6.20 | PSP Slim Hacks - PSP Forums.
PSP 6.20 Save Data Exploit Released. Hello World. - PSP Hacks.
Released: 6.20 TN-B (HEN) - The Dashhacks Network.